Contract Management Software

Ensure compliance and improve efficiency across the entire contract lifecycle with our automated contract management platform.

Trusted by legal, used by whole organizations

Improve your company’s performance with modern contract management software

Contract management software efficiently manages contracts through the entire lifecycle. Our goal is to make the overall process from initial request to the renewal of contracts as smooth as possible. For this reason, we provide you with the means for both compliant and resource efficient contract management. Precisely is also developed by legal experts familiar with the challenges that Legal Teams experience. That means we share the same goals – to make contract management smart and simple.

1. Create

2. Control

3. Sign

4. Archive

5. Monitor

Designed around your needs

Our Contract Management Software is built to tailor to the overall needs of your business.

You decide:

  • Who has access to different types of contract templates
  • Who is allowed to sign specific contracts
  • Which criteria also requires an extra set of eyes

… and much more.

With Precisely, you can achieve

10 x

faster contract creation

30 %

fewer manual legal tasks

80 %

more of contracts signed in a day

Empower your team with automations

When using our contract management software, anyone in your team easily create contracts that are consistent and error-free. Even if they don’t have legal knowledge.

Precisely also lets you automate and streamline your organization’s contract workflow. In addition, our contracting software includes end-user permission levels to control who is authorized to make changes to contract terms and wording. Not to mention automated approval flows, to combat the most common instance of bottlenecks.


"No other solution had a simple way of creating a template where you can just fill in the variables, and then the contract is generated. For us, that was the big advantage of using Precisely."

Roel Schoenmakers
CFO at Plat4mation

Taking control of your contracts has never been easier

When using Precisely’s contract management software, you get a clear overview of all your contracts and their status. In addition, the secure, online central repository lets you gather all of your legal documents in one place. While the smart search and filtering ensure you’re always able to find any contract you’re looking for in a matter of seconds. From anywhere, at any time.

"Our legal operations are so much easier with all contracts in one place and one single source of truth. Basically, if something is not in Precisely, it’s not been approved by Legal."

Sofie Storckenfeldt
General Counsel at Stureplansgruppen

Stay updated after signing

Our contract management solution focuses on the entire contract lifecycle, that means after the document has been signed as well. Keep track of renewals, renegotiations and terminations events by using smart notifications that you can set up for any event in the contract lifecycle and we’ll let you know when important dates and deadlines are coming up.

As a result, you’ll never lose business revenue due to missed renewals.

Automate your workflow

Save up to 8 hour per contract and spend more time adding value to our business

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