Contract analytics

Metadata and contract intelligence in our platform help you improve your overall contract performance. Using the contract repository as a strategic tool keeps you and your organisation one step ahead.

With Precisely, you can achieve

10 x

faster contract creation

25 x

faster contract turnaround

8 h

saved per contract

Improve your contracting strategy

It’s not enough to simply monitor your contract activity. With contract analytics, you can improve your contracting strategy and performance.

Contract management analytics let you quickly identify patterns and trends. With contract analysis software, you get a window into both your company’s risk and opportunities.

Precisely’s automation platform and AI algorithms analyse the overall contract data, sort the information and offer valuable insights to customer behaviour.

"The risk of data being spread was so high that we needed a solution to ensure it would never happen again. That solution was Precisely."

Roel Schoenmakers
CFO at Plat4mation

Contract insights at your fingertips

Precisely’s analytical contract software lets you track the data in each contract. This is done through metadata, which are keywords you can use to filter and locate documents.

Metadata is extracted automatically when you create a contract from a Precisely template. You can also add or remove any keywords to arrange the data in a way that fits your business needs.

Trusted by legal, used by whole organizations

Explore the platform

Improve your overall contract performance with metadata and contract intelligence

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Precisely’s contract analysis system makes it possible to integrate different systems and databases together.

This allows data to be shared among departments with the right information accessible to the people who need it.

This way, departments work more efficiently, save large amounts of time, and improve the customer experience.

See all integrations

Further reading